Kids Go Free
Louth Museum

Ruth's Blog

Our 2017 Archive

Louth Gay Nineties Club

Louth Gay Nineties Club

The Gay Nineties was a nostalgic term referring to the decade of the 1890s

Famous Men and Women

Famous Men and Women

Several people from our area became well known nationally

Soap making in Louth

Soap making in Louth

In the late 18th Century there were soap works in Church Close off Gospelgate

David Robinson, Masons Arms Hotel and William Brown

David Robinson, Masons Arms Hotel and William Brown

Our late president David Robinson arranged for William Brown’s drawings to be displayed in the Masons Arms Hotel

Zoological Observations, 1885

Zoological Observations, 1885

The “Ants and Nats” began in 1884 with a group of teenage boys interested in Natural History

Fossilized Shark Teeth

Fossilized Shark Teeth

Sharks teeth are really interesting

Saundersons' Windmills

Saundersons' Windmills

Jon Sass has written a book on the Saunderson family, millwrights & engineers of Louth

Hot water bottles

Hot water bottles

Before the days of electric blankets and central heating, the only way of warming your bed was to put something hot into it

Louth Sewage Works, 1911

Louth Sewage Works, 1911

Louth’s first sewage works was built in 1911, but it had its problems

Grandfather Clock

Grandfather Clock

We have a longcase clock made by watchmaker and silversmith John P Pearson who had premises in Louth’s Cornmarket

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